Apparently, there has been kale backlash lately. Here’s what I have to say about it.
Tough. Not the kale, the backlash.
This is precisely the kind of thing that ticks me off. I am all for vegetables taking the limelight (hallelujah!). But the minute a certain vegetable is deemed trendy, we've seriously lost our way.
And here's why: On a NOURISH Evolution, everyone gets to discover at their own pace. That means I may be wild for leafy greens while you're having an epiphany about broccoli. One is no better or “cooler” than the other. What's cool is that we're both scooting forward on our NOURISH Evolution by falling in love anew with a nourishing food.
So please, please, please don't let an article or blog post about kale being “so last year” convince you to pass up this salad. Because that would be sad.
Christopher and I are in the midst of a new year's cleanse right now, which was the impetus behind this salad. I always find cleanses–and fasts–so illuminating.
It's amazing what emotions come up when you say no to things you're so used to saying yes to. For me, there are straight up cravings to be sure. But fear, insecurity and entitlement also get kneaded into the mix.
At my worst, I'm wearing a very. grumpy. face. and a woe is me attitude as I stew on all the things I can't eat right now. At my best, I'm able to delight in the flavors and textures and beauty of all I can eat right now. I can also objectively chew on just how attached I am to feeding myself what I want, whenever I want, as soon as I'm hungry, and how that attitude is affecting the rest of my life … even when the norm is nourishing meals.
I find saying no to be a healthy calibration from time to time.
So I hope you'll see this salad not as an austere new year's penance, but for all it has to offer: The beauty of the radicchio slivers and the light green avocado set against the dark green kale; the tangy dressing offsetting the meaty leaves; the crunch of the coconut as a counterpoint to the toothsome chew. And I hope you'll see kale–and all vegetables–as timeless.