April 2010

Spiced-Rubbed Skirt Steak

Skirt steak is a great choice for a weeknight meat craving: it cooks up superfast and takes great to rubs. A few slices served with a plateful of veggies and whole grains brings something traditionally thought of as a nutritional no-no (steak) into a more nourishing category.

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Stretch Your Food Budget: Use Everything

“Profits are measured in pennies,” one of my culinary school instructors often repeated to remind us of the importance of maximizing our use of ingredients. Smart chefs–those who want to stay in business–do this all the time and now, thanks to a stagnant economy, it’s a practice budget-conscious cooks are bringing home.

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Look at Your Food Labels

Alison’s piece last week on egg labels got me thinking about how confusing it can be to evaluate foods. So I thought I’d distill some solid rules of thumb to help you choose wisely when in the packaged aisles.

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Easy Rice Pilaf

Mineral- and fiber-rich brown rice is the basis for an rice pilaf recipe that makes a simple side dish. Add peas or edamame for a dish of color.

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Label Lingo: A Guide to Eggs

Buying eggs used to be so simple: Grab a carton off the shelf, open it to check for any cracked shells and go on your merry way. These days, however, you need to interpret a myriad of claims before deciding which carton goes into your cart. What do they all mean? Find out here.

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Spinach-Gruyere Souffle

Nothing showcases the culinary power of eggs quite like a soufflé. Serve this spinach souffle with a “Bon Appetit!” in your best Julia Child imitation and pair it with a green salad dressed in Mustard-Shallot Vinaigrette and dry white wine for a light supper.

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Curry Quinoa Cakes

These cakes are crispy and flavorful and delightful as a light meal on their own, or as an innovative finger food. Serve them with our Curry Dipping Sauce.

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The Last Supper … A Sign of Supersizing?

Brian Wansink, one of our favorites and the author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think, teamed up with his brother, Craig Wansink, to conduct a study recently. Only his brother isn’t a fellow scholar of eating behavior; he’s a professor of religious studies at Virginia Wesleyan College. The two cross-pollinated their specialties to take a look at portion sizes as represented by 52 paintings of the Last Supper over the past millennium.

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