May 2009

Buy only fresh produce this week

Take this week to clean house–and your pantry, freezer and fridge–by using what you have on hand and buying only fresh produce. You’ll be amazed at the impact a tidier pantry has on your psyche . . . not to mention your budget.

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Chicken and Mushroom Lettuce Cups

I find that finger food naturally slows down a meal and focuses attention. When you’ve got juice dripping down your wrist and have to reach over your neighbor for the lettuce platter, it’s hard not to have the meal take on a different tenor.

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Green Pea Coulis

Peas definitely fall into the “can’t get better than fresh-from-the-garden” category. Here, they end up in a gorgeous, Kelly-green coulis.

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Lemon-Herb Lamb Chops

These lamb chops remind me of my time on Corfu. After we’d close the restaurant late at night, we’d grill up a batch and set them in the middle of the table for everyone to nibble on in between stories or songs.

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Plant Something

Sure, a garden gets you the freshest of vegetables and taste alone would be reason to start one–there’s nothing like an heirloom tomato still warm from the sun; even lettuce has a ridiculous amount of flavor when it goes from backyard bed into the bowl. But there are bonuses with gardening that go much, much deeper.

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Seek Sustainability

Last week, we were at a friends’ house for dinner when talk turned to the Cooking for Solutions conference I was headed to at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. “It’s about exploring ways to create a more sustainable food chain,” I said. Brows went up. Heads tilted. And finally the question was asked: “What, exactly, does sustainability mean?”

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