You don’t find a whole lot of high fives when discussing Lent. It’s more like squashed up faces as people talk about giving up sugar, or deep sighs at mention of meat. But giving something up in a deliberate act doesn’t have to be about deprivation. In fact, saying “no” to one thing is just a way of saying “yes” to another.
This sauteed spinach recipe wins over even those who normally snub the vegetable. Pre-washed spinach makes this dish come together in a flash.
Perked up with garlicky Swiss chard and Italian sausage, this hearty, fast and easy white bean soup recipe is ready in less than 30 minutes.
Pork and Fennel Ragu This quick ragu exemplifies my “double up-halvsies” trick. It’s got loads
Change–sustainable change–takes time. Here’s what you can expect along the way, and some help to make new habits stick.
Lia shares the chatter inside her head when she comes upon the 80 percent mark of “hara hachi bu.”
You don’t find a whole lot of high fives when discussing Lent. It’s more like squashed up faces as people talk about giving up sugar, or deep sighs at mention of meat. But giving something up in a deliberate act doesn’t have to be about deprivation. In fact, saying “no” to one thing is just a way of saying “yes” to another.
This sauteed spinach recipe wins over even those who normally snub the vegetable. Pre-washed spinach makes this dish come together in a flash.
Perked up with garlicky Swiss chard and Italian sausage, this hearty, fast and easy white bean soup recipe is ready in less than 30 minutes.
Pork and Fennel Ragu This quick ragu exemplifies my “double up-halvsies” trick. It’s got loads
Change–sustainable change–takes time. Here’s what you can expect along the way, and some help to make new habits stick.
Lia shares the chatter inside her head when she comes upon the 80 percent mark of “hara hachi bu.”
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel ullamcorper nisl. Praesent tincidunt nibh sit amet sagittis porttitor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas euismod ullamcorper libero, quis sollicitudin metus ullamcorper et. Curabitur elementum tincidunt fringilla. Vestibulum a ligula vitae dui rutrum consectetur non nec quam. Aliquam gravida ornare erat, sit amet lobortis massa sagittis pellentesque. Sed dapibus sed est nec blandit. Curabitur tellus felis, porttitor et odio nec, elementum aliquam sem. Nam ut dui enim. Nullam ac ornare odio. Nullam pulvinar purus porttitor dolor gravida lobortis.
Ut pulvinar pulvinar neque ut euismod. In tempor placerat risus, ut tempus eros congue vel. Ut venenatis ultricies magna, porta hendrerit dolor posuere ut. In sit amet tempor ante, eget lacinia ipsum. Nunc in condimentum ex. Sed sit amet urna ultrices, euismod urna vitae, sollicitudin orci. Quisque non justo convallis, scelerisque nulla sit amet, tincidunt augue.