
Strawberry Cheesecake Tartlets

With this easy recipe you get to have your luscious strawberry cheesecake but in a perfect portion-controlled tartlet size. You can enjoy all of it too . . . without worrying about overindulging.

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Cherry Almond Crumble

This dish is a great one to make when you’re stalled between fruit seasons. Frozen organic fruit is preserved at its peak and is a great time-saver when you want a quick dessert.

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Boozy Orange-Pecan Truffles

One of my favorite desserts to make during the holidays is Chocolate Truffles. They’re super easy and freeze beautifully which means you can make them well-ahead. This version features three flavors perfect for the Thanksgiving table—orange, bourbon and pecan—and packs a lot of pleasure in just a few bites. ~ by Jacqueline Church

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