Mindful Meals

Get Over the Guilt

I came of age during the height of America’s low-fat craze; guilt is built into my circuitry. But I’ve learned it doesn’t have to be that way … and I’ve kept off 20 pounds for 8 years while enjoying myself more than ever.

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Hug on a Plate

Feeling lonely? According to new research, your favorite comfort food can help you feel a bit better. We asked Nourish Network’s community to share their favorite comfort foods and got some surprising answers.

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Promote Happy Meals

Bright wrappers, snappy slogans, ‘rewards’ for eating their stuff … McDonald’s, KFC and the like do a great job making kids like their food. Here are lessons we’ve gleaned on how to successfully market “McMom.”

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Ut pulvinar pulvinar neque ut euismod. In tempor placerat risus, ut tempus eros congue vel. Ut venenatis ultricies magna, porta hendrerit dolor posuere ut. In sit amet tempor ante, eget lacinia ipsum. Nunc in condimentum ex. Sed sit amet urna ultrices, euismod urna vitae, sollicitudin orci. Quisque non justo convallis, scelerisque nulla sit amet, tincidunt augue.