Eco Bites

Time For a Gut Check on Organic?

It seems to me that this is a good time for a gut check. Not an extended analysis or time spent poring over the latest studies—we’ll forever be inundated with contradictory data from varying sources—but a simple, 30-second reflection on how you feel about the chemicals you put into your body.

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Grow Heirlooms

I have four gorgeous new raised beds in the back yard (thanks, honey!) filled with rich organic soil, and I’m hankering to get some seedlings in the ground. If you are too, I urge you to take a look at heirlooms.

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Earth-Friendly Fare: 3 Ways to Eat Lower on the Food Chain

When I think of a food chain, I always picture a giant whale swimming through the ocean gobbling up smaller sea creatures in his path. But food chains are part of a broader ecosystem, and, as humans, our place at the top carries awesome responsibility. Sure, we could go through our lives eating whatever suits our fancy, but doing so without a thought to future generations would be reckless. Here on Nourish Network, there has been much written about sustainability, and at its core, that’s what eating lower on the food chain is intended to promote: sustainable food systems that take the long view rather than satisfying our immediate cravings. With Earth Day upon us, the time is right to consider how eating lower on the food chain benefits not only us, but the planet at large.

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USDA Steering Organics to the Center of the Plate

In a radical departure from no-questions-asked support of giant agribusiness, USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan announces a direction that will steer organics to the center of the plate. Here’s our say on the matter, by Kurt Michael Friese.

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Label Lingo: A Guide to Eggs

Buying eggs used to be so simple: Grab a carton off the shelf, open it to check for any cracked shells and go on your merry way. These days, however, you need to interpret a myriad of claims before deciding which carton goes into your cart. What do they all mean? Find out here.

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