Eco Bites

Know Why Organic Matters

As farmers’ markets shutter for the season and backyard gardens go to seed, many of us will retreat to the grocery store for the bulk of our food purchases. The question is, when “local” options dwindle, will you opt to buy organic?

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Time for Lunch

It seems I’m meant to talk about kids’ lunches right now. This past Tuesday, I did a segment on ABC-TV’s View from the Bay on making healthy lunches fun for kids. But even better than peanut butter banana spirals is the fact that, right now, we have an opportunity to be a part of re-framing the school lunch program in America. Here to tell us all about it and how we can get involved is one of our talented new Contributors, Kurt Michael Friese, who I’m proud to welcome aboard.

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A Farm by Any Other Name . . .

There is a fundamental difference in the way small—particularly organic—farms function and the way large, industrial outfits do, and it needs to be acknowledged not just in the Food Safety Enhancement Act bill, but in the way we view agriculture in America.

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Teach Our Children Well

Let’s follow Michelle Obama’s lead in dispelling the myth that “good food” must mean gourmet and celebrate how great simple, fresh, seasonal ingredients can be.

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Go for Alaskan Wild Salmon!

There is one case in which “buy wild” is always a sustainable choice, and a green-rated one at that. Alaskan wild salmon. Try some from the Copper River with this tasty summer stone fruit salsa.

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Eat an Omnivore

Not all fish are created equal when it comes to being a good candidate for aquaculture (the fancy name for raising fish in a controlled environment). Here’s the skinny, along with a recipe for a sustainable pick–classic blackened catfish.

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Seek Sustainability

Last week, we were at a friends’ house for dinner when talk turned to the Cooking for Solutions conference I was headed to at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. “It’s about exploring ways to create a more sustainable food chain,” I said. Brows went up. Heads tilted. And finally the question was asked: “What, exactly, does sustainability mean?”

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