Sound Nutrition

Finding the “Yes” in Saying No

You don’t find a whole lot of high fives when discussing Lent. It’s more like squashed up faces as people talk about giving up sugar, or deep sighs at mention of meat. But giving something up in a deliberate act doesn’t have to be about deprivation. In fact, saying “no” to one thing is just a way of saying “yes” to another.

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Zip Some Greens

Leafy greens like kale and chard aren’t too much work on busy weeknights. Just try Lia’s tip to save time and make quick work of cleaning greens.

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Summer Confits

This post may be a bit premature, since we’re all still in the early glow of summer’s offerings. But as the season wears on and you’ve had your 304th tomato salad and 172nd roasted pepper, odds are you’re going to be looking for other ways to use your summer veggies. Well I’ve got just the thing: a summery confit.

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Get Over the Guilt

I came of age during the height of America’s low-fat craze; guilt is built into my circuitry. But I’ve learned it doesn’t have to be that way … and I’ve kept off 20 pounds for 8 years while enjoying myself more than ever.

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