Mindful Eating

Finding the “Yes” in Saying No

You don’t find a whole lot of high fives when discussing Lent. It’s more like squashed up faces as people talk about giving up sugar, or deep sighs at mention of meat. But giving something up in a deliberate act doesn’t have to be about deprivation. In fact, saying “no” to one thing is just a way of saying “yes” to another.

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Get Over the Guilt

I came of age during the height of America’s low-fat craze; guilt is built into my circuitry. But I’ve learned it doesn’t have to be that way … and I’ve kept off 20 pounds for 8 years while enjoying myself more than ever.

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Process Your Food Personally

In a day when so much of our food is delivered to us pre-cut, pre-made, pre-cooked, I would argue that we’re neglecting ourselves. A meal can be a full-on amusement park of an experience if we let it be.

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Nourish Yourself in the New Year: Consider a Fast

The topic of fasting may seem strange on a site dedicated to eating, but I’m going to argue that it’s apropos. Fasting—even for a handful of hours—can help you recalibrate and enrich your awareness of how food affects you physically, mentally and emotionally.

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Just Say “No”

A friend of mine once said, “when we say yes to one thing, we’re also saying no to something else whether we realize it or not.” Wise words. I find the opposite to be true too. We often think of “no” as a negative response, but when stated purposefully it can open doors for very positive results. Here’s incentive to just say “no.”

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Making Sense of Moderation

Moderation isn’t sexy, but it is one of the primary keys to overall wellness. It means enjoying what you love, and what feeds you, rather than denying yourself meaningful pleasure. Here are four tips and a chocolatey pudding to help moderation work for you.

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Practice Pleasure

The French know how to enjoy their food and this week, with the celebration of Bastille Day, is a great time for us to do so too. Here are five steps to enjoying without overindulging.

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Have a Social Hour

Spring is in the air and peas and favas are at the market. Now some will look at those piles of pods, shake their heads and think ‘too much work’, and I’m the first to agree that frozen peas can be a saving grace on a busy weeknight. But there’s another way, too, to view the labor-intensive process of prepping spring produce–as a treat in and of itself to be relished rather than rushed.

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It all started with a box of salt cod I bought on a whim on Friday. By 8:00 on Saturday night we had a festive crew nibbling on fried salt cod fritters with skordalia (kind of like super-garlicky mashed potatoes beaten with olive oil), vinaigrey beet salad, charred lamb chops and the pungent yogurt dip called tzatziki.

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