February 2010

The Humble Root

Three often overlooked winter vegetables: turnips, parsnips and rutabagas. Despite the fact that in our modern day they play second fiddle to carrots, these three are wonderful, hearty winter fare, delicious in a mash with other root vegetables, in soups and stews, or roasted in the oven until crisp and savory.

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Garlic Parsnip Fries

Parsnips have an earthy sweetness to them, making them an interesting alternative to same-old, same-old potato fries. These, with sliced garlic and Parmesan, are downright addictive.

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Change Your Oil

One of the most frequent questions I get is, “which oil am I supposed to use for what?” My answer is a combination of unwavering advice and “it depends.” Here’s a guide to choosing wisely in all circumstances—from grocery store shelf to pan on the stove.

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Seasonal Salads: Winter

I realized something funny recently. Long after I started branching out into seasonal fruits and vegetables, my salads remained stuck in the rut of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions. Sure, the lettuce had morphed into “mesclun mix” and the tomatoes had turned into heirlooms, but it took some time before my insistence upon seasonal produce progressed into my salad bowl.

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Count Your Blessings

Just about every culture spanning the globe partakes in some sort of thanksgiving benediction before consuming their food. Thornton Wilder once said, “We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” And in that way, the act of pausing to give thanks for a meal is a blessing in and of itself.

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Cherry Almond Crumble

This dish is a great one to make when you’re stalled between fruit seasons. Frozen organic fruit is preserved at its peak and is a great time-saver when you want a quick dessert.

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